Saturday, December 4, 2010

Interested in osho sayings

Do you know about Osho? He is a master of Zen. I adore him so much. And he is a very genius person i think... I'm so interested in his sayings.

This is my favourite:
"My definition of man is that man is the laughing animal. No computer laughs, no ant laughs, no bee laughs. If you come across a dog laughing you will be so scared! Or a buffalo suddenly laughs: you may have a heart attack. It is only man who can laugh, it is the highest peak of growth. And it is through laughter that you will reach to God -- because it is only through the highest that is in you that you can reach the ultimate. Laughter has to become the bridge."

Being a man is being an individual who laughs all the time through this life

Another of his sayings:
“The whole of life is a great cosmic joke. It is not a serious phenomenon -- take it seriously and you will go on missing it. It is understood only through laughter."

"Laugh your way to God. I don't say pray your way to God, I say laugh your God. If you can laugh you will be able to love. If you can laugh you will be able to relax. Laughter relaxes like nothing else.”

Laugh :DDDD


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