Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cheers Sis!!!

Finally semester exam is over. Now i am able to relaxed, eatboxing and flourishing for 24 hours non-stop. But honestly,something bad happen to my sister,  she got red mark on english. I just wanna say that there are many people who has experienced this thing. But this thing didn't make your life ruined. Remember that score isn't number one in this life. Your attitude is more important than score.And your score is always above 90 on my eyes,sis. So cheer up!!!!!. Don't be so sad. Be strong!!!!!!I don't wanna see any of your sad face anymore .So don't let me down, kay?

Some words I wanna say before saying goodbye,

Life's good when it's treating you good. But winners are those who choose to smile in the storm. Why get so upset over something when there are many more things that you're blessed with? Gotcha?

Goodnight see you soon.=)
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Interested in osho sayings

Do you know about Osho? He is a master of Zen. I adore him so much. And he is a very genius person i think... I'm so interested in his sayings.

This is my favourite:
"My definition of man is that man is the laughing animal. No computer laughs, no ant laughs, no bee laughs. If you come across a dog laughing you will be so scared! Or a buffalo suddenly laughs: you may have a heart attack. It is only man who can laugh, it is the highest peak of growth. And it is through laughter that you will reach to God -- because it is only through the highest that is in you that you can reach the ultimate. Laughter has to become the bridge."

Being a man is being an individual who laughs all the time through this life

Another of his sayings:
“The whole of life is a great cosmic joke. It is not a serious phenomenon -- take it seriously and you will go on missing it. It is understood only through laughter."

"Laugh your way to God. I don't say pray your way to God, I say laugh your God. If you can laugh you will be able to love. If you can laugh you will be able to relax. Laughter relaxes like nothing else.”

Laugh :DDDD


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