Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cheers Sis!!!

Finally semester exam is over. Now i am able to relaxed, eatboxing and flourishing for 24 hours non-stop. But honestly,something bad happen to my sister,  she got red mark on english. I just wanna say that there are many people who has experienced this thing. But this thing didn't make your life ruined. Remember that score isn't number one in this life. Your attitude is more important than score.And your score is always above 90 on my eyes,sis. So cheer up!!!!!. Don't be so sad. Be strong!!!!!!I don't wanna see any of your sad face anymore .So don't let me down, kay?

Some words I wanna say before saying goodbye,

Life's good when it's treating you good. But winners are those who choose to smile in the storm. Why get so upset over something when there are many more things that you're blessed with? Gotcha?

Goodnight see you soon.=)
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Interested in osho sayings

Do you know about Osho? He is a master of Zen. I adore him so much. And he is a very genius person i think... I'm so interested in his sayings.

This is my favourite:
"My definition of man is that man is the laughing animal. No computer laughs, no ant laughs, no bee laughs. If you come across a dog laughing you will be so scared! Or a buffalo suddenly laughs: you may have a heart attack. It is only man who can laugh, it is the highest peak of growth. And it is through laughter that you will reach to God -- because it is only through the highest that is in you that you can reach the ultimate. Laughter has to become the bridge."

Being a man is being an individual who laughs all the time through this life

Another of his sayings:
“The whole of life is a great cosmic joke. It is not a serious phenomenon -- take it seriously and you will go on missing it. It is understood only through laughter."

"Laugh your way to God. I don't say pray your way to God, I say laugh your God. If you can laugh you will be able to love. If you can laugh you will be able to relax. Laughter relaxes like nothing else.”

Laugh :DDDD

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Be a better person!!!

Morning all, tomorrow chemistry test will be held..  Hope i can do it well tommorrow.. haha XD....
I wanna share you a short inspirative story...

The story took place at an university.... A young student approached an outstanding philosopher and scientist,Blaise Pascal and said "If I have your brain, I will be a better person"

Pascal stopped for a while and then reply "Be a better person,Then you will have my brain"

Be a better person

Some other cool and uniqe stuff

Cool isn't it ?
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Cool technology(Microsoft Surface)

Hi Guys, there is a super cool new technology from Microsft called "Microsoft surface" It is a table computer that response with our hand gesture.."Microsoft Surface is a revolutionary multi-touch computer that responds to natural hand gestures and real-world objects, helping people interact with digital content in a simple and intuitive way. With a large, horizontal user interface, Surface offers a unique gathering place where multiple users can collaboratively and simultaneously interact with data and each other' taken from

Watch the video demo here:

Cool huh?

Another cool video from microsoft
Monday, November 22, 2010

Sorry,Please and Thank you

     Dikisahkan, di sebuah pesta perpisahan sederhana pengunduran diri seorang direktur. Diadakan sebuah sesi acara penyampaian pesan, kesan, dan kritikan dari anak buah kepada mantan atasannya yang segera memasuki masa pensiun dari perusahaan tersebut.

Karena waktu yang terbatas, kesempatan tersebut dipersilahkan dinyatakan dalam bentuk tulisan. Diantara pujian dan kesan yang diberikan, dipilih dan dibingkai untuk diabadikan kemudian dibacakan di acara tersebut, yakni sebuah catatan dengan gaya tulisan coretan dari seorang office boy yang telah bekerja cukup lama di perusahaan itu.

Dia menulis semuanya dengan huruf kapital sebagai berikut, "Yang terhormat Pak Direktur. Terima kasih karena Bapak telah mengucapkan kata "tolong", setiap kali Bapak memberi tugas yang sebenarnya adalah tanggung jawab saya. Terima kasih Pak Direktur karena Bapak telah mengucapkan "maaf", saat Bapak menegur, mengingatkan dan berusaha memberitahu setiap kesalahan yang telah diperbuat karena Bapak ingin saya merubahnya menjadi kebaikan.

Terima kasih Pak Direktur karena Bapak selalu mengucapkan "terima kasih" kepada saya atas hal-hal kecil yang telah saya kerjakan untuk Bapak.Terima kasih Pak Direktur atas semua penghargaan kepada orang kecil seperti saya sehingga saya bisa tetap bekerja dengan sebaik-baiknya, dengan kepala tegak, tanpa merasa direndahkan dan dikecilkan. Dan sampai kapan pun bapak adalah Pak Direktur buat saya. Terima kasih sekali lagi. Semoga Tuhan meridhoi jalan dimanapun Pak Direktur berada. Amin."

Setelah sejenak keheningan menyelimuti ruangan itu, serentak tepuk tangan menggema memenuhi ruangan. Diam-diam Pak Direktur mengusap genangan airmata di sudut mata tuanya, terharu mendengar ungkapan hati seorang office boy yang selama ini dengan setia melayani kebutuhan seluruh isi kantor.

Pak Direktur tidak pernah menyangka sama sekali bahwa sikap dan ucapan yang selama ini dilakukan, yang menurutnya begitu sederhana dan biasa-biasa saja, ternyata mampu memberi arti bagi orang kecil seperti si office boy tersebut. Terpilihnya tulisan itu untuk diabadikan, karena seluruh isi kantor itu setuju dan sepakat bahwa keteladanan dan kepemimpinan Pak Direktur akan mereka teruskan sebagai budaya di perusahaan itu.

Pembaca Yang Budiman,

Tiga kata "terimakasih, maaf, dan tolong" adalah kalimat pendek yang sangat sederhana tetapi mempunyai dampak yang positif. Namun mengapa kata-kata itu kadang sangat sulit kita ucapkan? Sebenarnya secara tidak langsung telah menunjukkan keberadaban dan kebesaran jiwa sosok manusia yang mengucapkannya. Apalagi diucapkan oleh seorang pemimpin kepada bawahannya.

Pemimpin bukan sekedar memerintah dan mengawasi, tetapi lebih pada sikap keteladanan lewat cara berpikir, ucapan, dan tindakan yang mampu membimbing, membina, dan mengembangkan yang dipimpinnya sehingga tercipta sinergi dalam mencapai tujuan bersama.

Tentu bagi siapapun kita perlu membiasakan mengucapkankata-kata pendek seperti terima kasih, maaf, dan tolong dimana pun, kapan pun, dan dengan siapa pun kita berhubungan.Dengan mampu menghargai orang lain minimal kita telah menghargai diri kita sendiri.
Artikeldiambil dari ""
Semoga dapat menginspirasi anda semua yang sedang membaca
So remember to say:

And of course do it with full of


Some quotes :

Love is always having to say I’m sorry.” 
~ Bob Irwin

“Correct means always having to say you’re sorry.” 
~Charles Osgood

“An apology is the superglue of life. It can repair just about anything.” 
~Lynn Johnston

“Saying thank you is more than good manners. It is good spirituality”~
Alfred Painter….

“If you mean to profit, learn to please.”
~Winston Churchill quotes

And I wanna say.... much for reading my blog =)
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Be grateful!!!

Just now I just read an inspirative article from "" The article teach us to be grateful for everything,and in every condition...And this is the story:

The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small, uninhabited island. He prayed feverishly for God to rescue him, and every day he scanned the horizon for help, but none seemed forthcoming.

Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a little hut out of driftwood to protect him from the elements and to store his few possessions. But then one day, after scavenging for food, he arrived home to find his little hut in flames, the smoke rolling up to the sky.

The worst had happened; everything was lost. He was stunned with grief and anger. "God, how could you do this to me!" he cried. Early the next day, however, he was awakened by the sound of a ship that was approaching the island. It had come to rescue him. "How did you know I was here?" asked the weary man of his rescuers. "We saw your smoke signal," they replied.

It is easy to get discouraged when things are going badly. But we shouldn't lose heart, because God is at work in our lives, even in the midst of pain and suffering. Remember, next time your little hut is burning to the ground--it just may be a smoke signal that summons The
Grace of God.

Famous Quote

"You are only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely." 

“Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn’t learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn’t learn a little, at least we didn’t get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn’t die; so, let us all be thankful.”

“Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.”
~Henry Ward Beecher

“I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends, the old and the new.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity…. It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.”
~Melodie Beattie

You can read more inspirative articles there, other inspirative website:""
Nice website that full of motivative story... :)

And At last
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Thx God!!!!

Yesterday I took part in a science competition for chemistry subject. I took the 7th place in the competition with 98 score.I am mistaken as always doing the question. Must be more careful next time in reading the question. Not very proud about it coz my target was taking the big five. But still must be grateful for this winning. So thx GOD!!!!! Next time I will work harder. And not forget,Special thanks to Miss Maniani and Mr Humala who have taught me chemistry and of course to my belove friend(Winner, David, Wilfreda, Heryanto and Stella, etc) who have support me this whole time :D...

Oh yeah, to my friends who didn't get the monthly report yesterday. Be patient!!!! and of course "BE STRONG!!!" Don't let it bother you too much... Cry as you need but promise to smile when it is over. Just don't ever give up.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Super creative guys

What is creative? According to the Oxford Learner's dictionary, creative means relating to or involving the use of the imagination or original ideas to create something. But according to me creative is being different , unique and interesting at the same time.

Just now a friend of mine had just  shown me some videos of creative guys out there, and here are some of them

1. Kurt Hugo Schneider
This guy is a music producer of some unknown "youtube artists". They ussualy made covers of popular songs. But this guy has just recently added some different views of music, which i think is quite a creative breakthrough in the music industry.

creative, isn't it?
if you want to see more, click  here to see more of his creative pieces of art

2.Mystery Guitarman
Err, i don't know how to describe this guy, all i know is that he is TOTALLY creative.
just look at these vids and u'll get my point

Monday, November 8, 2010

Just a Dream(Music of this week)

 Hi,Good night. Today I was surprised seeing my little sister with her hairdo. I love it. Haha She was so beautiful with that hairdo. I tell my friend(Wilfreda) about that. Then she said that tommorrow she will arrange her hair like that... I wonder if she really serious. I will wait for tommorrow haha XP..

Oh yeah about the music of this week.It is "Just a Dream". It is a nice song that sang by Nelly.
Check it out below.

videokeman mp3
Just a Dream – Nelly Song Lyrics

I was thinkin about her
thinkin about me
thinkin about us
what we gunna be
open my eyes…
it was only just a dream

so i travel back down that road
wish you come back
no one knows
i realize, it was only just a dream

i was at the top
now its like i’m in the basement
number 1 spot
now shes finding a replacement
i swear now i cant take it
knowing somebodys got my baby

now you wait around, baby i cant think
i should put it down, shoulda got that ring
cuz i can still feel it in the air
see your pretty face
run my fingers through her hair

my love
my life
my shawty
my wife
she left me, i’m tight
cuz i knew that it just aint right

i was thinkin about her
thinkin about me
thinkin about us
where we gunna be
open my eyes…
it was only just a dream

so i travel back down that road
wish you come back
no one knows
i realize, it was only just a dream

and i be ridin
and i swear i see your face and every time
i try to get my usher on but i cant let it burn
and i just hope that she notice she the only one i yearn for
no more sooner will i learn

didn’t give her all my love
i guess now i got my payback
now i’m in the club thinking all about my baby
she was so easy to love
but wait, i guess that love wasnt enough
i’m goin through it every time that i’m alone
now i’m wishing she would just pick up the phone
but she made a decision that she wanted to move on
cuz i was wrong

i was thinkin about her
thinkin about me
thinkin about us
where we gunna be
open my eyes…
it was only just a dream

so i travel back down that road
wish you come back
no one knows
i realize, it was only just a dream

if you ever loved somebody put your hands up x2
and now theyre gone and you wish you could give them everything (x2)

i was thinkin about her
thinkin about me
thinkin about us
where we gunna be
open my eyes…
it was only just a dream

so i travel back down that road
wish you come back
no one knows
i realize, it was only just a dream

Oh yeah I have awesome photo. Taken When the opening of Youth Olympic Games at Singapore
Friday, November 5, 2010

Meaning of life...

Every morning we get up from bed, and every night we go to sleep... We do it everyday like a regulation...Yeah, But sure there were time when we think what is the meaning of our life. We wondered and asked ourself again and again...

Most people walk on life like walking through a street with closed-eyes... They just don't know what is the real meaning of life. Keep chasing money like there are no another things more important. We must realize that life is just once.. We won't bring that money to our cemetry, So why are we focus on money? There is another thing that is more important than just chasing money. You know i mean, when we live,why don't we give love to fellow being. spread love to the world... That way when we die, we will still live deep down in another people's heart.

We can do it from a single thing like helping our friend who are sad by cheering them up or donate to another who lack. Even if we don't have anything we could still give something to another people example by pray for another people like our mom or dad... Contributing to another people happiness, that way we will find the true meaning of life...

I hope this article help you to realize what is the true meaning of life. And let's together create a meaningful life..

Love love love

Hi hi, Just now, I just read a nice article from "" about love...
The article is taken from the tought of Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher...
According to him, at the beginning of creation, men and women aren't as they are now; there was just one being, who was kinda short, with a body and a neck, but his head was two faces, looking in different directions. It was if two creatures had been glued back to back, with two sets of sex organs, four legs and four arms.

However, the Greek gods were jealous. Because this creature of four arms and four hands could work harder and stand or walk for long periods of time without tiring.

Zeus, the supreme lord of Olympus, said : "I have a plan to make these mortals lose some of their strength."

And he cut the creature in two with a lightning bolt, creating man and woman.

Because of that, man and woman have became weak and disorientated without one another. And now they have to search for their lost half and embrace it, and embrace it more to gain back their former strength. For that, two must become one. That embrace in which the two bodies becoming one again is what we call today, Love....

According to me Love has 3 definition,
First, Love is an honest feeling that come deep down from our heart...
Second, Love is a feeling that full of courage...
And the last the most impotant thing that to love someone is to be ready to sacrifice everything without any hesitation and nothing in return....

So if your love is an one-sided love... Cheers up... Don't be so sad, maybe you just still haven't find the right person, Just be patient... And keep doing your best.For everyone who is experiencing the one sided love,Cia you!!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010


Yo Guys I wanna introduce my flourish community. Flare is a group that formed by me and my friends... "Flare" stands for "Flourish is Life,Art and Real Entertainment"
 And this is our first video.
Here it is...Check this out....

We are still newbie, so comments are really needed.

FLare Logo

Schhol life,My crazy and fantastic friend

Nah today I wanna tell you guys about my friend.. Some of my bestie lol... So let us check it out

They were my friend last semester,classX-1
First I were the guy near the window. Beside me there was Malvin.he was my friend bench. We always call him M2M. He is sometimes crazy but sometimes he is so sweet wkwk.... sorry malvin.... You see from his face he is a flirty guy... but the truth he is a gay lol.... haha just be kidding....
Next in front of me, the girl near the window she was grace.... She has some kind of killing aura....But beside it, she is a very good girl... One thing that reminds me of her that she is always taller than me until now.... I have sit up everyday but why can't i taller than her....Phew~
And the last, beside grace, there is wilfreda the craziest girl in my class .... But she is so kind to me.... She always made me laugh when i even didn't want to smile... haha that's why i always try to help her when she need me... hmhm She loves to eat yuppi... And she was the one who taught me to eat when teacher explain in front LOL XD....

:D Thanks malvin,grace and wilfreda for being my friends,You guys are the best.... I love you guys....
They were all my classmates last school year. Had a good time... miss that moment....:))))

Best friend forever.....
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Hobby!!!! Florishing

Dalam hidup ini pasti ada beberapa hal yang lo suka....
And post ini adalah tentang apa yang gwe ska /hobi gwe
yang pertama and terutama itu adalah flourish
flourish ini adalah sejenis akrobat kartu dimana kartu yang berjumlah 52 lembar di tangan kita and kita muter2 tu kartu and kita free style-in...

Awalnya gwe ska nie flourish ketika browsing browsing di youtube and pas aja keliatan benda menarik ini... gwe mulai belajar and akhirnya gwe tertarik. 

Trus hobby gwe yang lain yaitu :Makan tidur mandi and digodain cewek.
gwe paling jijik sama banci yang homo dan homo yang adalah banci.

Hello world!!!!!

So here it begins,
Nama: Kevin Yudi Utama
Nama panggilan:KYU(Keren Yentau Ului)
Umur:Sekarang 16 tahun
jenis kelamin:100% higienis Laki laki!!!
Spesies:Manusia(Bahasa ilmiahnya "Sapi yang sedang homo" atau dikenal dgn homo sapiens"
Teman teman gwe banyak yang bilang gwe ni mirip itu tuh penyanyi filiphina yang nemnya  rada rada bau "Christian bauketek"(Christian bautista kali!!!)


 Ganteng kan cuy??? but well, sebenarnya muka gwe seratus kali dibawah foto tu tuh.Sangat susah dideskripsikan. Klo dalam sejarah Indonesia muka gwe tuh kata orang mirip "Kota nagasaki yang baru di bom". Klo dalam art mirip lukisan abstrak. klo dalam biologi mirip kerbau yang megep megep karena dicucuk anusnya pakek gergaji. Parah dah. Berhubung Keselamatan anda mungkin sebaiknya gwe gak ngepost foto muka gwe yang kata orang mirip christian bauketek itu. Karena mungkin saja akan timbul apa yang dikatakan orang pembunuhan massal menggunakan wajah.
 haha see.....
Well cukup sampe sini sesi perkenalanya
So to start this blog i wanna say hello all....

NB: Masih single and buat yang berminat silakan hubungin 123 untuk pendaftaran

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